Stress is not external, stress is created by existing internal fear. 15
We are not made angry because of people. We are angry because we are angry on the inside. If we let go of anger, people will stop triggering us. 17
When we get enough internal pressure built from stress, our mind creates events “out there” to vent these feelings on. 17
The mind invents scary things to vent our internal fear. 18
We emit fields of energy that are generated by our internal state. 18
How to let go: To let go, don’t resist the feeling. Let yourself have the feeling without fear, moral judgement, or venting. Resistance keeps the feeling alive in us. If the feeling isn’t resisted, and the emotion is given a chance to be acknowledged and felt, the emotion will dissipate. 20
To be surrendered means that we aren’t attached to the outcome of an event. It’s okay if it goes one way, and it’s okay if it goes the other. We can enjoy things without needing them for our happiness. 21
When you let go, you can stop identifying with your feelings, and realize that you are merely the entity witnessing the feelings. This gives you freedom, not being chained to your feelings.
Our ego wants to keep us enslaved to it’s programs, like Master Control in Tron. When we feel ourselves saying that the process of letting go is bullshit, and it’s not going to work, this means that the ego is afraid that we are going to free ourselves from it, and the technique is working. The ego is deploying doubt to try and stay attached to us.
Chatter in our skulls distracts us from being free, and living in the present moment. Continuous mind talking is compulsive, caused by fear, and doesn’t serve us. When we get totally absorbed in something we’re doing, we don’t have thoughts. We are just flowing. We can see in these moments that we never needed the chatter at all. 24