Hi, I’m Omar.
Building websites is an awesome form of creation for me. I think of myself as a graphic design engineer. I love to improve my skills, and I am constantly seeking to grow my skills and knowledge.
I love my career in web development because it combines all of the great aspects I enjoy in my work: creativity, technology, mathematical thinking, freedom to work remotely, and great opportunity for freelance work.
I love to go hiking, biking, and exploring outdoors. Being in nature is my favorite place to be, and I feel so good and free when I’m out among the trees.
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I see myself as a messenger in cyberspace: like Paul Revere riding an electron. I am a middleman of the digital world, connecting people and their message to the rest of the globe through the internet.
I enjoy all kinds of technology, and I love a challenge of creating and building new things. I like to program microcontrollers to do things, and here me and Brittany are working on building an Arduino robot car.
One of my great achievements was that I was accepted to take part in a week-long, all expenses paid camp and competition at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. There we worked in a team of eleven to build and program an autonomous robot car, simulating a Mars Rover. Our rover took part in a race against three other teams’ rovers to collect specimens from a mock Mars terrain.
Building our rover showed us we were capable of much more than we thought we could pull off in a very short time frame.
In short, I love technology, I love to learn, and I love to grow every day. When I learn and grow, every day I wake up is better than the last – and this is an amazing feeling. I am very thankful for who I am, and I want to help others be happy and successful as well!