By Omar Shishani
These are a list of my affirmations that I read aloud every morning, to remind myself of the beauty and abundance of life, and to keep myself in the best possible mindset to achieve my goals, increase my freedom, and improve the world.
- I have faith that God will lead me to the things I want
- I am not dependent on web development. I will always find a way to succeed and thrive. The world has an infinite abundance of opportunities.
- Other people are out enjoying their lives, doing fun things. You could be too. You can literally leave right now and start having adventures in new places.
- instead of feeling fear and anxiety, i invert to joy, abundance, and looking forward to the shimmering future!
- Omar finds the way.
- (Take one minute to thank God and ask for help to reach goals)
- If there’s something you think is hard to do, or a drag, invert to make yourself love that thing.
- Getting a web development job is easy for me. I’m going to get paid for playing.
- Web development is an awesome career. Don’t think that it’s not taken seriously. It’s amazing. It’s so important. It’s used by literally everyone every day all the time!
- I do not fear not getting what I want, because life is filled with abundance.
- Everything I have ever wished for, God and I have made come true.
- My brain can adapt to whatever I want it to.
- When I look at code, I see my dreams coming true.
- The right career path is Web Dev.
- A smart man gets paid for playing.
- The best career path is Web Dev.
- I’m going to thrive in Austin.
- Whether i go to school or not doesnt matter. Im never going to stop learning either way. whichever path i think is better, i will take. I have an abundance of education opportunities.
- I dont fear negative feelings, because they are a chance to increase my positive feelings.
- I don’t fear the darkness, because I will always be filled with light.
- If I’m sad, it’s great, because I have an emotion to attend to, and this gives me a chance to heal and strengthen my own emotions.
- Im a graphic designer hacker programmer, and its lots of fun, and its fascinating, and I’ve never been more into a subject in my life.
- I love that I have an awesome React dev work environment with awesome coworkers.
- I love that I’m making my own living.
- I love that I’m standing strong by my decisions.
- I love that God is on my side.
- I love that the Universe is encouraging me to follow a magnificent path.
- I love that I said I was gonna become a developer, and I did.
- I love that I said I would have a job in two years, and I do.
- I don’t doubt my choices. I made my choices for great reasons.
- I love that I set goals and achieve them.
- I love that I am a React developer.
- I love that I live life to the max, so I don’t have to worry.
- I’m not unsure. I’m a rock in the storm. And whatever happens, I will find the way to solve all of my problems.
- Success is repeating small menial tasks every day.
- I am able to study for any amount of time I choose to. 1hr, 2hr, 1.25 hr. My brain will adapt.
- I am extremely focused.
- I create content so I am a badass expert.
- I have dreams and goals that I actually want to work towards.
- The right career path is web dev, because it’s going to give me lots of money and freedom now, so I can work towards other goals, like my events, festivals, and clothing business.
- I don’t care how long it takes. If one person on earth can be a web developer, I can be a web developer.