Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

  • When Barnes decided he wanted to work with Edison, his definiteness of thought was what was his greatest asset. A definiteness of decision is so powerful that it will carve the way out for you for any goal you desire. 2
  • The attitude is “I’ll accomplish this if it takes the rest of my life,” not “I’ll give it a try.” 3
  • Opportunity has a habit of slipping in disguised as failure. Maybe this is why so many of us fail to recognize it. 3
  • The definiteness of an intangible thought impulse can always be transmuted into its physical equivalent through the application of known principles. 4
  • Most people quit when failure comes. 6
  • Failure is a trickster, and tricks you into giving up when you are right about to succeed. 7
  • Most of the sales Mr. Darby made were after the prospect had said “No.” 9
  • When riches begin to come, they come so fast and in such great abundance, that you wonder where they have been hiding all of your life. 10
  • You will find that the principles for success will be easy, not hard, to put into practice. 17

Chapter 2

  • The first step to riches is a burning desire. 19
  • Barnes wanted a partnership with Edison more than he wanted anything else. 20
  • Many give up when the going seems hard, and go where the going seems easier. The difference between those who succeed and fail, is that the successful never give up. 22
  • Wishing does not bring riches. Riches come from a burning desire that becomes an obsession, put into action with a definite plan, and persistence that does not recognize failure. 22

The 6 Rules for acquiring riches (p. 22):

  1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you want to acquire.
  2. Determine exactly what you intend to give for the money.
  3. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money.
  4. Create a definite plan for carrying our your desire.
  5. Write out a clear concise statement of steps 1-4: The amount, exchange, date, and plan.
  6. Read your statement, your definite purpose, twice a day: once in the morning, and once before going to bed. As you read, visualize and emotionally feel yourself in possession of the money.
  • The six steps can also be used for any goal.
  • If you truly desire the money in an obsessive way, you won’t have a problem convincing yourself that you’re going to get it. 23
  • You don’t need to become ridiculous to attain the money. You don’t need a large amount of education. You don’t need sacrifice or hard labor. You need imagination to see that your goals can’t be left to good fortune. It’s up to you. 24
  • Every great leader in civilization was a dreamer. 24
  • The world is changing so rapidly, and it constantly requires new ways of doing things. There is such an abundance of opportunity for riches that it is just amazing. 24
  • Every failure brings a seed of equivalent success. 26
  • Henry Ford was poor and uneducated, but he went towards his goals without waiting for opportunity to favor him. 26
  • All who succeed in life get off to a bad start, and go through many heartbreaking struggles before they succeed. 27